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Will Therapy Help Me Recover from Addiction?

Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery from Addiction and Embrace a Healthier Future.

Will Therapy Help Me Recover from Addiction?

a person with long hair sits on a couch and participates in therapy for addiction

Will therapy help me recover from addiction? It’s a natural first question to ask when considering recovery services. After all, therapy is often the primary treatment method for addressing substance abuse. You want to be sure that what you invest time, effort, and money into will help you recover.

Therapy for addiction is often the best way to produce transformational results. That is not to say therapy is a silver bullet. It usually takes time and deep investment from participants to realize positive outcomes. Yet, in many cases, there is no better method for treating addiction than through evidence-based therapy.

Contact 866.931.6429 to learn more about the individual therapy program at Evoke Wellness at Cohasset.

Is Addiction Therapy For Me?

Before looking at some of the most prominent forms of therapy for addiction, it’s worth answering a question that may be top of mind for many readers: “Is addiction therapy for me?” It may be tempting to think you do not need therapy to recover from addiction. Admitting you need help and wanting to attend therapy are not synonymous.

Part of this could be the stereotype of therapy that many people retain. When people picture therapy, the classic image of reclining on a couch and pouring out your soul often comes to mind. That type of intervention, referred to as psychoanalysis, does exist today. But the stereotype is far from the most common, or even the best, type of therapy for addiction today. Many other forms exist, each of which offers its distinct approach to treating addiction.

Common Types of Therapy for Addiction

Numerous types of therapy for addiction exist. Almost all therapy modalities can be implemented as individual therapy for addiction or group therapy. Many people prefer individual therapy for addiction due to the sensitive nature of treatment and the opportunity to build a productive relationship in a more intimate setting with their therapist. The various types of individual therapy for recovery can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Behavioral
  • Experiential
  • Physical
  • Holistic

Even more categories exist, but those four include most therapies used in addiction treatment. Each type is explored in more detail below.

1. Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies do what their name indicates: they focus on changing negative behaviors that dominate someone’s life and influence their addiction. They tend to be action-oriented. Many people love behavioral therapies because they can easily chart progress and see gains during the recovery. Some examples of behavioral therapies are cognitive-behavioral and dialectical behavior therapy.

2. Experiential Therapies

Experiential therapies use hands-on experiences as a way to promote healing. They are often deployed in treating people who have histories of deep trauma. A few examples are music therapy, art therapy, and nature therapy.

3. Physical Therapies

This category may sound like what people experience after physical injuries or surgery. However, it is distinct from those types of classical physical therapy. In the context of addiction treatment, physical therapy includes practices like biofeedback and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. They are classified as physical because they entirely focus on helping someone get in touch with their physical presence or helping the body physically process past trauma.

4. Holistic Therapies

This final category of individual therapy for recovery consists of alternative health options during addiction treatment. A few common holistic therapies are meditation, yoga, massage, and acupuncture.

Discover the Power of Therapy for Addiction

Therapy for addiction may not offer an instant cure. But no method of addiction treatment is instant or perfect. Instead, addiction therapy provides a proven way to get in touch with oneself, improve physical and psychological health, and ultimately recover from addiction. Find out more about the power of individual therapy for addiction by calling 866.931.6429.