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Rehab Blog

a person leans against a window and wonders about gabapentin and alcohol

Can You Mix Gabapentin and Alcohol?

At Evoke Wellness at Cohasset, we understand the complexities of managing prescription medications like gabapentin, particularly in relation to alcohol use. Mixing gabapentin and alcohol may seem harmless, but it

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a person puts a hand on their forehead as they deal with alcoholic nose
Addiction Treatment

What Is Alcoholic Nose and How Can I Stop It?

Alcoholic nose, often characterized by a red or purple nose, is a common concern among individuals who consume alcohol frequently. This condition, often captured in distressing alcoholic nose pictures, is

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a group of people sit in a circle during benzo and alcohol detox
Addiction Treatment

Dangers of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

The combination of benzodiazepines (benzo) and alcohol is a dangerous form of polysubstance abuse that is unfortunately too common in today’s society. This practice not only magnifies the effects of

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a person drinks a glass of wine and worries about the effects of alcohol and anxiety

How Alcohol Can Worsen Anxiety?

A co-occurring disorder is a person simultaneously having two or more substance use disorders (SUD) or mental health conditions. Also called dual diagnosis, co-occurring disorders are common and impact millions

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a person sits on the edge of a bed looking out a window to show trauma and alcohol abuse
Addiction Treatment

How Trauma Impacts Alcohol Abuse

Trauma and substance abuse impact millions of Americans from all walks of life and frequently co-occur. Trauma is the emotional response to experiencing or witnessing a distressing or disturbing event

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a person looks anxious by putting their head between their knees to show the effects of alcohol and anxiety

Alcohol and Anxiety

A co-occurring disorder, or dual diagnosis, is an individual having two or more distinct diagnoses simultaneously. In the context of mental health and addiction, dual diagnosis typically refers to having

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a person rubs their temples while they go through post-acute withdrawal symptoms

What are Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms?

If you have recently quit drinking alcohol or are in the process of recovery from alcohol addiction, you may be experiencing some uncomfortable symptoms that leave you feeling confused and

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a person with two empty beer glasses in front of them holds a half-full beer glass and looks pained to show alcohol and the brain
Addiction Treatment

How Alcohol Can Impact the Brain

The effects of alcohol on our bodies are widespread and quite known, but what it does to our brain, the center of our thoughts, feelings, and actions, can often be

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a person sits on a stoop in the dark while struggling with alcohol dependence

Recognizing Alcohol Dependence

If you are concerned that you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol dependence, it’s essential to understand the factors and behaviors that could be signs of an alcohol

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