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Depression: Is This a Cause or Consequence of Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol abuse, is a chronic case of substance misuse. It is characterized by a constant desire to consume alcohol regularly or even a need to binge-drink when doing so. This disease is common in adults and even teenagers of both sexes. Liquor, beer, and wine rank among the most abused of the three alcohol categories in America. When alcoholism sets in, many types of symptoms, both physical and psychological, may also show up. Typical signs of alcohol misuse are delirium, nausea, muscle aches, and confusion. In addition, there is a supposed link between depression and alcoholism, and this article aims to throw more light on that relationship.

Depression is a Cause or Consequence of Alcoholism?

Alcohol is commonly known as a depressant. This substance class limits the function of the central nervous system to induce relaxation and decreased inhibitions. Thus, many individuals who later begin to misuse alcohol take the substance to overcome shyness or gain false confidence—students and corporate executives who usually have to make presentations before crowds fall into this category often. Also, because alcohol and other depressants may help a person feel relaxed, some people take them to relieve stress or anxiety. For the relationship between alcoholism and depression, the latter serves as both former a cause and consequence. Accordingly, continuous heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages may result from and may lead to depression in any circumstance.

More About Correlation Between Depression and Alcohol

Research and surveys have revealed that around 33% of individuals diagnosed with depression will likely have an alcohol use problem. In these cases, depression usually comes first, making it a cause for alcoholism. However, drinking during treatment for depression is counteractive as alcohol nullifies antidepressants taken for healing. In addition, heavy drinking may deepen depression and lead to thoughts of suicide. On the other hand, depression may result from excessive alcohol use. The reasoning here is that heavy drinking causes an individual to lose their inhibitions and possibly make bad judgments concerning work, school, or relationships. Consequently, damages such as job loss, failure at school, or the end of a relationship with a loved one arise. In turn, despair and sadness build up, which plunges that individual into depression. Medical research has found a common gene involved with brain function like memory and attention on a genetic level. Variations in this gene have been thought to put people at risk for depression and alcoholism. Also, home and social upbringing play significant roles in leading people to alcohol use, depression, or both.

Help is One Call Away at Evoke Wellness in Massachusetts

Whatever may be the reason behind alcoholism, urgent help is needed. Aside from depression as a potential consequence of alcohol misuse, damage to internal organs like the liver is another danger to be considered. Therefore, individuals who lack control over their drinking habits must be helped to recover before chronic and lasting injuries set in. Evoke Wellness at Cohasset is an accredited recovery center that provides complete rehab care for different types of chemical dependency. The facility also offers dual diagnosis treatment, which handles depression and other mental health issues occurring with substance misuse. The center boasts a lineup of qualified and experienced professionals who provide diligent care to clients. Furthermore, treatment plans are tailored to every individual to enable the best recovery path. You can contact a recovery advocate for more inquiries on processes at the center.