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Where to Find Group Therapy in Massachusetts

Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery from Addiction and Embrace a Healthier Future.

Where to Find Group Therapy in Massachusetts

a group of people sitting in chairs laughs as they participate in group therapy in Massachusetts

Group therapy is a common treatment for mental health issues and substance abuse disorders. Research indicates it can be as effective as individual therapy. For some people, the unique benefits of the group therapy setting may even be better than just receiving individual therapy. The majority of addiction treatment providers offer group therapy programs alongside individual therapy. Thus, finding group therapy in Massachusetts is relatively straightforward. However, finding a group therapy program in Massachusetts that fits your needs and preferences may be trickier.

Discover what sets our Evoke Wellness group therapy program apart from other providers by calling 866.931.6429. We’re here to listen.

The Need for Group Therapy in Massachusetts

Group therapy in Massachusetts has a critical role in alleviating the ongoing drug crisis. Addiction treatment, more generally, is of utmost importance in Massachusetts. While drug addiction is a national issue, Massachusetts continues to outpace the rest of the country regarding annual drug-related deaths. In 2015-2020, drug overdose deaths per 100,000 residents in Massachusetts outpaced the national average every year. In 2020 alone, nearly 34 per 100,000 residents died of a drug overdose across the state.

Opioids were the biggest driver of those chilling statistics in Massachusetts. They alone accounted for nearly 90% of overdose deaths in 2020. Alcohol use disorder is another major issue in Massachusetts and yet another way that Massachusetts residents struggle with substance use disorders.

Rates of alcohol use disorder based on the most recent data show that people in Massachusetts suffer from an alcohol use disorder at higher rates than in the United States as a whole. The rates are also higher among the adolescent population of Massachusetts. Overall, these statistics paint the need for group support in Massachusetts that can lead to lasting recovery for those who are dealing with addiction.

Finding a Group Therapy Program in Massachusetts

While finding a group therapy program in Massachusetts seems as simple as typing a search into Google, finding a quality one can be difficult. Not all addiction treatment providers offer high-quality services. One of the best group therapy programs in Massachusetts is provided through Evoke Wellness.

Evoke’s group therapy in Massachusetts is split into four different categories. Each group caters to a different need and offers different resources depending on where someone is in the recovery process. These four categories are:

  • Psychoeducational groups, which focus on educating participants about addiction and how it affects them
  • Interpersonal groups, which focus on helping people resolve interpersonal conflict and repair damaged relationships
  • Skills development groups, which emphasize the acquisition of new skills and tools to cope with addiction triggers and avoid relapse
  • Cognitive behavioral groups, which help clients understand how behaviors become habits and are reinforced over time

Each of Evoke’s patients has access to these different therapy groups throughout the recovery journey. Our group therapy program in Massachusetts offers an intimate, supportive environment. Group therapy allows people to express themselves, get in touch with their emotions, forge meaningful bonds with others in recovery, and be held accountable to progress in recovery.

Access Group Support in Massachusetts with Evoke Wellness

Evoke Wellness is founded on providing exceptional care in a comfortable setting. Humans are not meant to be alone. They are also not told to face recovery alone. That is one of the biggest reasons group therapy can be transformative in your recovery journey. Attending group therapy not only moves you closer to achieving sobriety but also reminds you that you are not alone.

Many of our clients complete group therapy and form lifelong bonds with others in recovery who are not just friends but accountability partners and advocates. Call 866.931.6429 to learn more about our group therapy program in Massachusetts.

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