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Suboxone Treatment for Addiction Recovery in Massachusetts

Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery from Addiction and Embrace a Healthier Future.

Suboxone Treatment for Addiction Recovery in Massachusetts

a group of people share stories in suboxone treatment for addiction

Addiction continues to be one of the most dire public health challenges in the United States. The opioid epidemic of recent years remains. Layered on top of that are growing issues with meth and fentanyl. Across the country, numerous lives are lost or ruined annually due to drug addiction. Addiction treatment providers like Evoke Wellness at Cohasset work daily to ensure that high-quality treatment is widely accessible. It is possible to overcome addiction by committing to professional treatment and making the lifestyle changes necessary to support sobriety. In the case of opioids, suboxone treatment for addiction is one possible element of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Contact 866.931.6429 to learn more about Evoke Wellness at Cohasset’ suboxone treatment program and how it could benefit you or a loved one.

The Need for Suboxone Treatment for Addiction

Suboxone treatment for addiction is one way to approach opioid addiction. In general, opioid addiction treatment is in high demand across Massachusetts. While the worst of the opioid crisis may be over, opioids still cause incredible damage to society and individuals’ lives regularly. For instance, across the state of Massachusetts, over 2,000 people died from an opioid overdose. That was, in fact, the highest total in any given year for Massachusetts since data tracking began.

It is within that reality that Evoke Wellness at Cohasset is trying to serve the community. Suboxone treatment for addiction is not a silver bullet for the opioid crisis plaguing Massachusetts counties. However, when used appropriately, suboxone treatment for addiction can be a positive factor in how quickly and easily someone is able to recover from opioid addiction.

Suboxone Treatment for Addiction in Massachusetts

Evoke Wellness at Cohasset offers suboxone treatment through our suboxone clinic in Massachusetts. Suboxone is a type of prescription medication. Its two primary ingredients are buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is an opioid agonist. That means it blocks the opioid receptors in the brain and helps cut down on cravings.

Naloxone, meanwhile, is an opioid reversal agent. Naloxone in isolation is often used as an immediate response to someone experiencing an opioid overdose. Its presence in suboxone helps tamp down withdrawal symptoms.

Methadone used to be one of the primary medications used in treating opioid addiction. It is still used in some circumstances. But methadone can be habit-forming and should never be used for more than a short period. Suboxone has come to be preferred by many treatment providers over methadone as it offers a longer-term option during medication-assisted treatment.

Overcoming Opioid Addiction at Evoke Wellness at Cohasset

Suboxone treatment for addiction offers many benefits. In addition to reducing cravings and helping cut down withdrawal symptoms in the early days of recovery, suboxone treatment can also:

  • Offer safe pain relief
  • Produce calmness
  • Reduce stress and worry
  • Create a more relaxed state of mind

Typically, suboxone is used as a film that dissolves under the tongue. It also sometimes comes in tablet form. While suboxone is usually preferred to methadone, that doesn’t mean it is a perfect solution. The idea that suboxone replaces one addiction with another is a myth. Nonetheless, treatment providers must ensure that dependence on suboxone does not accrue over time. The end goal is never life attached to suboxone. Using suboxone is a temporary stop-gap to aid the early weeks of recovery.

Some side effects can occur when people stop taking suboxone. It is vital to stay in close contact with medical professionals while taking suboxone. Their guidance is essential in ensuring you do not create a dependence on the medication. It is also crucial when you start taking less with the idea of stopping use altogether. Those minor caveats aside, suboxone treatment for addiction could be a difference maker for you or a loved one in overcoming addiction.

Contact Evoke Wellness at Cohasset at 866.931.6429 to learn more about our suboxone clinic in Massachusetts.