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Do I Need an Anger Management Program?

a person sprawls on a couch and thinks about an anger management program

Anger issues often occur in people who abuse drugs or alcohol. These issues cannot only help keep your addiction active. In addition, they can make it harder for you to stay abstinent after you go through treatment. For these reasons, anger management therapy may be essential to your chances of achieving short- and long-term sobriety. Effective anger management helps you recognize harmful forms of emotional expression. It can also help you change those habits in ways that improve your emotional processing and support your recovery.

Basics of an Anger Management Program

How does anger management work? The goal of the therapy is not to stop you from expressing anger. Anger is a natural part of your emotional toolkit and can serve you well in the right circumstances. However, far too often, it doesn’t play this kind of supportive role in your daily life. Instead, it destabilizes your emotional balance and outlook on life. In addition, it can manifest in ways that cause emotional or physical harm to other people.

Anger management programs have several goals that, in combination, help you live a more functional life. These goals include:

  • Helping you recognize feelings of anger when they arise
  • Decreasing the impact of anger on your own mental and physical well-being
  • Showing you how to express anger in healthier, less corrosive, or dangerous ways

You could potentially attempt to do these things by yourself. But an anger management class may be a more effective option. That’s especially true if your anger interferes with your ability to get or stay sober.

When to Seek Help – Who Needs Anger Management?

How can you tell if your anger is harmful and out of control? In other words, what factors determine who needs anger management? A formal testing process can help reveal the need for therapy. However, you may also notice certain things that indicate the presence of a problem.
For example, you may feel angry most or all of the time. In addition, your anger may be provoked by things that most people simply take in stride. You may also feel incapable of controlling outbursts of anger. Another common sign is frequent, angry behavior that hurts other people. The same holds true for frequent feelings of regret in the aftermath of a bout of anger.

What Happens in Anger Management Therapy?

How does an anger management program work? That depends on your situation. Some people do well in a formal therapy setting that lets them focus on working through specific issues. However, others may do well in a less formal anger management class with a more educational approach. Methods that may be used in either setting include:

  • Relaxation exercises
  • Improvement of your coping and problem-solving skills
  • Communication exercises

You may also benefit from something called cognitive restructuring. This process helps you reframe your responses to anger and decrease its impact on you. It also enables you to change specific habits of emotional expression that interfere with your well-being.

Get More Information on Anger Management Programs at Evoke Wellness

Want to learn more about anger management therapy? The professionals at Evoke Wellness can help. We provide the answers you need to better understand who needs this therapy and why.

Need to include anger management in your addiction recovery process? Evoke features customizable options suitable for people from all walks of life. With our support, you can learn how to express anger in healthier ways. In turn, you may also increase the odds of recovering from addiction. To learn more, call us today at 866.931.6429 or contact us online. We’re here to help in your recovery journey.

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