In network just means that your insurance provider will cover the cost of whatever treatment plan you are looking into. In network means it is within your specific treatment network. Out of network means that the cost will not be covered in full, and it may not even be partially covered. This doesn’t mean that the treatment option isn’t available to you, however. Many individuals choose to pay out-of-pocket for a recovery center that is out of network, usually because the provided services best meet their personal needs.
In order to confirm whether your policy will cover the cost of treatment, you can either call your healthcare provider directly, or call us with your information handy. We have extensive experience conducting insurance checks, and we can get an answer to you within a few short minutes. All of our insurance checks are no obligation and completely free of charge.
PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) allows individuals to see providers both inside and outside of their insurance networks, so long as they have a referral. HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) allows individuals to choose whichever healthcare provider they feel best suits their personal medical needs. A referral will be necessary when seeking a specialist outside of the designated primary care physician. In short, those with an HMO plan will have more freedom when selecting an addiction treatment center.
Absolutely not. We will gladly check your benefits for free, regardless of whether or not you are ready to commit to treatment. However, if you do decide to take the next step, we will begin organizing travel plans immediately. If you are found to be underinsured or uncovered, we will help you sift through other viable payment options.
There are many different types of treatment that are covered by insurance, depending on the specific policy. Based on the specifics of your personal plan, insurance will often cover the cost of an approved residential facility, medically monitored detox, outpatient care with a legitimate and reputable provider, medication maintenance, and follow-up counseling services/aftercare.
Having health insurance often makes the process easier, but we understand that those in the grips of active addiction often allow payments to fall by the wayside, and being uninsured is extremely common. We have numerous additional options, from self-pay and private pay to sliding scale options and partial scholarships. Simply give us a call and we will help determine which option will be the most beneficial to you.