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What Does Xanax Feel Like?

Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery from Addiction and Embrace a Healthier Future.

What Does Xanax Feel Like?

Xanax is a type of benzodiazepine that is often prescribed to treat things like anxiety disorders and panic disorders. Xanax is a central nervous system depressant that causes a calming effect on the brain and body by making you less sensitive to outside stimulation. While it is approved for this kind of treatment and effectively combat anxiety, recreational use of Xanax is very common and can lead to severe negative side effects, including addiction. 

What Does it Feel Like?

Since it is a central nervous system depressant, Xanax will slow down the major processes in your body. As a result, most people will feel an extremely calming effect, whether taken recreationally or as a prescription. Unfortunately, the effects of Xanax also happen very quickly, making its likelihood of abuse that much higher. It will begin working in roughly 15-30 minutes and can last for several hours. When taken as a prescribed medication, it will reduce any feelings of anxiety and help those who have debilitating panic disorders have a normal kind of life. 

More About What Does Xanax Feel Like?

When abused, the drug is often taken in larger doses and can cause impaired coordination, blackouts, and a total loss of inhibitions. It will often cause feelings of calmness, euphoria, tiredness, and loss of motor skills. Even lifting up your arm will feel impossible.  When a person abuses Xanax, they are doing it because of the sense of relief that it brings to them. Some people even describe it as constant waves of relief from their anxiety. The euphoria is caused will also take away any negative feelings. 

The Immediate Effects of Xanax

In addition to blackouts and loss of inhibitions, Xanax can also cause weakness, dizziness, breathing problems, confusion, amnesia, loss of coordination, and extreme fatigue. The higher the dose you take, the stronger the effects will be on you. Since Xanax has a way of depressing your brain, long-term and increased use can impair your ability to create memories. As a result, even if the person is awake and coherent, they may not remember the period when they were high. This can increase the likelihood of injury and even death. Especially since it lowers your inhibitions and makes you act in ways that you wouldn’t normally if you were sober. 

Chasing the Xanax High and Withdrawal Symptoms

Xanax is the ultimate “chill pill” because it allows you to completely relax. On the other hand, once a Xanax addiction has set in, the withdrawal symptoms can be extremely painful and even deadly. As a result, many people will continue using Xanax to don’t have to go through the withdrawal process.  Withdrawal from Xanax produces some serious physical and psychological effects. This can include body aches, fever, chills, cold sweats, tremors, seizures, coma, and even death. In addition, once the acute withdrawal symptoms have ended, the person will also experience what is known as post-acute withdrawal. This can last for months and can feel like you are suffering from anxiety or panic disorders. 

Overcome Xanax Addiction at Evoke Wellness at Cohasset

Whether you used Xanax recreationally or to treat your anxiety disorder, addiction can happen either way. If you are experiencing anything from above, it is time to reach out and seek help. If your Xanax use has interfered with your life in any way, a drug treatment facility like Evoke Wellness at Cohasset can help you. Our Staff of doctors, medical professionals, therapists, and addiction specialists are here to help get you through this rough process. We want to see you succeed. If you are ready to take your life back, we are here to help you do it. 

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