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Quiz – Am I at Risk of Addiction?

Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery from Addiction and Embrace a Healthier Future.

Am I at Risk of Addiction?

How much do you agree with the following statements?


I drink/use drugs often.

I feel out of control when I drink or use drugs.

I drink/use drugs until I black out.

There are things I can’t deal with unless I’m drunk or high.

My life is dominated by drugs/alcohol.

My family has a history of drug/alcohol use.

I experienced trauma that I haven’t dealt with.

I get nervous around people when I’m sober.

People have told me they are concerned about my drug/alcohol use.

Using drugs/alcohol has negatively affected my relationships with my family.

Using drugs/alcohol has negatively affected my relationships with friends.

My hope for the future is very low when I’m not drunk or high.

I am worried about my health due to heavy drug/alcohol use.

My drug/alcohol use is harmful, but I can’t quit.

I get physically sick without access to drugs/alcohol.

I manipulate people to get what I want.

If I could get sober, I wouldn't want to.

Most of my friends use drugs/alcohol often.

I worry about things I cannot control.

I have stolen to afford drugs/alcohol.

I get out of control when I drink or use drugs

Build a Strong Foundation for Lasting Recovery from Addiction and Embrace a Healthier Future.
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